Friday, March 1, 2024

“Why Do I Get Out of Breath Walking Up Stairs If I’m in Good Shape?”

Is Decaf Coffee Unhealthy? How to Store Winter Clothes During the Warmer Months.

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Our Picks for March 1, 2024
The internet's Irish boyfriends, an air fryer chef, and secrets of NBA jump balls.
Weekend Read
I Went to a Rave With the 46-Year-Old Millionaire Who Claims to Have the Body of a Teenager
The Atlantic
Matteo Wong
Bryan Johnson wants to build a nation of immortals. Would you join?
A message from Kate McNamara
Audiologist Breaks Silence About the Highest-Rated Hearing Aid in America
America's #1 hearing aids featuring German technology and enhanced speech clarity.
Read More
RIP Media
Shane Smith and the Final Collapse of Vice News
The Hollywood Reporter
Lachlan Cartwright
How did a Brooklyn media giant valued at $5.7 billion just a few years ago wind up going bankrupt and folding its newsroom? Look no further than its brash (and still highly paid) founder.
In Profile
Raised in the West Bank, Shot in Vermont
The New York Times
Rozina Ali
Three months after an attack, its victims grapple with what it means to be Palestinian in America.
Future of Work
AI Isn't Your Boss. It Isn't a Worker. It's a Tool.
Chris Taylor
The year of AI hype is over. The era of small AI is beginning.
"You're Not Alone"
Why Do I Get Out of Breath Walking Up Stairs If I'm in Good Shape?
Jenny McCoy
If climbing a couple flights is humbling every time, you're not alone.
Good Eats
I'm a Chef Who's Obsessed With My Air Fryer. Here Are My 13 Favorite Things to Make in It.
Business Insider
Aefa Mulholland
As a chef, I was hesitant to get an air fryer at first, but now I can't get enough of it. I make everything from grilled cheese to French toast in it.
In the Zeitgeist
Why All The Internet's Boyfriends Are Irish
Kyndall Cunningham
Irish men are having a moment in Hollywood.
Pro Tip
How to Store Winter Clothes During the Warmer Months
Popular Science
Abby Ferguson
Coats, boots, and other winter gear is expensive. Store it properly to avoid bad smells, bugs, and preventable damage.
Good to Know
Is Decaf Coffee Unhealthy? The Pros and Cons of Caffeine-Free Drinks, Explained
Chloe Gray
There's a lot of concern over our caffeine intake, but is drinking decaf worse for you?
Just Because
The Wild West of NBA Jump Balls
The Ringer
Ben Dowsett
Basketball's most iconic tradition is also one of its oldest and most curious events, marked by the same foggy rule interpretations, quirky styles, and chicanery that characterized the first jump balls ever tossed.
Thanks for reading! We'll see you tomorrow!
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